WHEREAS, Geoffrey P. Cooper-Stanton is retiring from his role as Senior Vice President with Albany Bank & Trust Co., N.A.; and
WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of this occasion by the Honorable Margaret Laurino, Alderman of the 39th Ward; and
WHEREAS, born, raised and educated in the United Kingdom, Geoffrey came to the United States in 1964 to pursue a career in banking industry; and
WHEREAS, Geoffrey has dedicated thirty years to Albany Bank with responsibilities in marketing, public relations and government compliance; and
WHEREAS, he has established himself in the Albany Park community through his years of work with many local organizations including the Albany Park Chamber of Commerce and the North River Commission; and
WHEREAS, During the last thirty years Geoffrey has seen many positive changes in the community and has worked in collaboration with many leaders and civic groups who work tirelessly for the good of the community making Albany Park an outstanding community in which to live and conduct business; and
WHEREAS, Geoffrey will be missed at Albany Bank and in the community at large, but his leadership will be remembered long after he relocates to Arizona for retirement; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago gathered here this fifteenth day of March, 2015, do hereby express our gratitude for the leadership of Geoffrey P. Cooper-Stanton, honor him for a job well done, and congratulate him on an earned retirement; and
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Geoffrey P. Cooper-Stanton as a token of our appreciation for his service.
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MARGARET LAURINO Alderman, 39th Ward
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