CHICAGO April 2. 2014
To the President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Finance having had under consideration one (1) order authorizing five (5) applications for City of Chicago Charitable Solicitation (Tag Day) permits.
- Alzheimer's Association - Greater Illinois Chapter
- American Legion Chicago Fireman's Post 667
- American Association of Single Parents,-Inc.
- Blue Island Citizens for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- Misericordia Heart of Mercy
having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that your Honorable Body pass the ordinance(s)/order(s) transmitted herewith.
dissenting vote(s)).
This recommendation was concurred in by
of the members of the committee with
Respectfully submitted
Ordered, that the Committee on Finance is hereby authorized and directed to issue charitable solicitation (tag day) permits to the following organizations:
Alzheimer's Association - Greater Illinois Chapter May 3, 2014
May 16-17,2014
Citywide ....
American Legion Chicago Fireman's Post 667 May 21-23, 201~4
Gitywide - - -
American Association of Single Parents, Inc. April 6, 2014
April'13,2014- " " Citywide
Blue Island Citizens for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
August 22-23,2014
Misericordia Heart of Mercy
May 2-4, 2014
This order shall take effect and be in fonze/rom and after its passage.
Edward M. Burke Alderman, 14lhWard