WHEREAS, The Reverend Francis Q. Kub, the Pastor of St. Simon the Apostle Church in Chicago, will celebrate the joyful occasion of the 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday, April 18, 2015; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this milestone by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and
WHEREAS, The Reverend Francis Q. Kub became the sixth pastor of St. Simon Church on January 1, 1988, and retired on June 30, 2010, following more than 22 years of leadership at the Southwest Side parish; and
WHEREAS, Over the course of his religious life, the Reverend Francis Q. Kub has served at a number of parishes throughout the Chicago Archdiocese, including St. John de La Salle, St. Juliana, Holy Ghost, St Paul, St. Pete and St. Beda before coming to St. Simon the Apostle Parish; and
WHEREAS, Under the leadership of the Reverend Francis Q. Kub, St. Simon the Apostle has thrived as a parish of immigrants and cultivated the growth of both its Slovak Ministry and Hispanic Ministry; and
WHEREAS, Because the Reverend Francis Q. Kub was not provided during his tenure with any associate pastors to assist in his ministry, he relied upon the involvement of lay people in varied aspects of parish life; and
WHEREAS, The Reverend Francis Q. Kub was credited with expanding the parish's religious education program and making St. Simon the Apostle into a highly attractive destination that many people drive great distances to worship at on weekends; and
WHEREAS, The holiness, hard work and devotidn of Reverend Francis Q. Kub serve as an inspiration to all; now, therfore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this fifteenth day of April, 2015, do hereby congratulate the Reverend Francis Q. Kub on his fifty years of tireless service to the Archdiocese of Chicago and do hereby express our best wishes for his continued good health, happiness and spiritual fulfillmen...
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