WHEREAS, Chapter 4-17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago authorizes the establishment of Restricted Residential Zones pursuant to an opt-out process, which requires a petition to trigger an ordinance; and
WHEREAS, The requisite procedural requirements have been met; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Sections 4-17-020 and 4-17-040 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("Code"), the 14th Precinct ofthe 13th Ward, as described herein, is hereby designated as a Restricted Residential Zone within the meaning of Chapter 4-17 of the Code. All new or additional shared housing units and vacation rentals shall be prohibited within the boundaries of such 14th Precinct, with such boundaries beginning at the southeast intersection ofthe Chicago Belt R.R. and West 59th Street, thence east on the south side of West 59th Street to the west side of South Kenneth Avenue, thence south on the west side of South Kenneth Avenue to the north side of West 61st Street, thence west on the north side of West 61st Street to the west side of South Kilbourn Avenue, thence south on the west side of South Kilbourn Avenue to the south side of West 62nd Street, thence east on the south side of West 62nd Street to the west side of South Kenneth Avenue, thence south on the west side 6f South Kenneth Avenue to the north side of West 63rd Street, thence west on the north side of West 63rd Street to the Chicago Belt R.R., and thence north on the Chicago Belt R.R. to the place of beginning.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take full force and effect upon its passage and publication, and shall remain in effect for four years following its effective date.

Marty C/ufh/i / Alderman, 13th Ward