Record #: R2019-962   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/18/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/18/2019
Title: Congratulations extended to Kevin P. Flood for service as president of Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2019-962.pdf



WHEREAS, Kevin P. Flood has been honored for his service and contributions as President of the Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago at the Club's President's Luncheon on December 6, 2019; and


WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this achievement by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and


WHEREAS, The Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago has supported Chicago's civic, cultural and educational community for more than 118 years, and provides scholarship assistance to every Catholic high school in the Archdiocese of Chicago; and


WHEREAS, Kevin P. Flood is the Chief Executive Officer and President of The Astor Company, a premier environmental consulting firm that assists companies in sustainability practices by designing, implementing and managing processes that reduce carbon footprints; and


WHEREAS, Kevin P. Flood is a proud graduate of Marquette University and the University of Notre Dame, where he earned a master's degree in business administration; and


WHEREAS, under Kevin P. Flood's leadership, the Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago maintained its successful events that it is known for, raised significant funds to provide scholarships to Catholic high school students with limited financial resources, and expanded its connections with the vibrant Irish community in Chicago; and


WHEREAS, Kevin P. Flood should be recognized and honored for his outstanding leadership, dedication, and commitment to the Irish community of Chicago over the last year; now, therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members ofthe Chicago City Council, assembled this eighteenth day of December, 2019, do hereby congratulate Kevin P. Flood for his service, dedication, and contributions as President ofthe Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago and do hereby extend our best wishes to him; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy ofthis resolution be presented to Kevin P. Flood.