SECTION 1. Section 10-8-480 ofthe Municipal Code ofthe City of Chicago is hereby amended by striking out certain language and adding new language underlined as follows:
10-8-480 Casting refuse and liquids.
It shall be unlawful for any person, in person or by his agent, employee or servant to cast, throw, sweep, sift or deposit in any manner in or upon any public way or other public place in the city, or in or upon the waters of Lake Michigan, or any river, canal, public water, drain, sewer or receiving basin within the jurisdiction of the city, any kind of litter. Nor shall any person cast, throw, sweep, sift or deposit any litter anywhere within the jurisdiction of the city in such manner that it may be carried or deposited, in whole or in part, by the action of the sun, wind, rain or snow, into any of the aforementioned places.
Litter includes but is not limited to the following: (a) picnic or eating utensils, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, towels, plastic utensils, metal foil, cellophane, wax paper, paper bags, or any food wrappings; (b) liquid or beverage containers such as beer, soft-drink, and juice cans, beer, soft-drink, liquor and wine bottles, and milk or juice cartons; (c) tobacco and confection wrappers, such as cigarette packages, candy, ice cream, popsicle, gum or any other type of dessert or confection wrapping or container; (d) food wastes, such as fruit or vegetable peelings, pulp, rinds, leftovers or any other type of table wastes; (e] newspapers, books, placards, handbills, pamphlets, circulars, notices or papers of any type; (f) or any other type of rubbish, garbage, refuse matter, article, thing or substance such as discarded clothing, boxes, dust, manure or ashes.
Any person who is 16 years of age or older found to have ejected litter or refuse of any kind upon a public way from a vehicle, either moving or stationary, shall be fined the maximum allowable for violating the ...
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