Record #: R2018-103   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 1/17/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 1/17/2018
Title: Congratulations extended to Kristen Kozlowski-Lyons on personal and professional accomplishments
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M., Sadlowski Garza, Susan
Attachments: 1. R2018-103.pdf





WHEREAS, Kristen Kozlowski-Lyons has made significant contributions in the Chicagoland area; and


WHEREAS, The City Council has been informed of the accomplishments of Kristen Kozlowski-Lyons by the Honorable Susan Sadlowski Garza, Alderwoman of the 10th Ward and Chairman Edward M. Burke, Alderman ofthe 14th Ward; and


WHEREAS, Kristen Kozlowski was bom on the Southwest Side of Chicago to retired Chicago police officer Casimer (Moe) Kozlowski and Judith Kozlowski. She graduated from St. Mary's University of Minnesota in three and a half years while playing varsity basketball and rugby. Kristen graduated from John Marshall Law School and was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 2004; and


WHEREAS, Kristen is a successful personal injury lawyer and litigator. Five years ago she established her own solo practice, The Law Office of Kristen M. Kozlowski. She also is Of Counsel to Kurasch & Klein and The Law Offices of George L. Tamvakis. She is Legal Counsel to the Polish American Police Association (P.A.P.A) and a board member; and


WHEREAS, Kristen has been active in the society for Polish-American lawyers, the Advocates Society. She currently is 1st Vice-President and has been Treasurer, 2nd and 3rd Vice-President and Treasurer of the Scholarship Committee; and


WHEREAS, Last year Kristen married John W. Lyons. She has two step-children, Will and Emily. Kristen volunteers for the Parent Teachers Organization (PTO) and the Girl Scouts. She likes gardening and furniture refinishing. Kristen is a life-long congregant at Sacred Heart Church and is a Bears season ticket holder; now, therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered here this seventeenth day of January, 2018, do hereby express our heartiest congratulations to Kristen Kozlowski-Lyons on her accomplishments.