WHEREAS, the City of Chicago is a home rule unit of government pursuant to the 1970 Illinois Constitution, Article VII, Section 6(a); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to its home rule power, the City of Chicago may exercise any power and perform any function relating to its government and affairs including the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, waste collection is a critical public health, public way, and consumer protection matter for the City of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago requires licensing of all "'private scavengers," defined in its Municipal Code as "private companies engaged in the removal and disposal of waste and recyclables"; and
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago requires private scavengers to register each vehicle, submit proof of inspection of the State of Illinois, replace unsuitable vehicles, submit information about method of disposal, offer adequate recycling programs, submit annual recycling reports, provide suitable containers free from graffiti with the name and address of the scavenger prominently displayed, and remove and replace containers as required; and
WHEREAS, in Chapter 7-28 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the City of Chicago requires private scavengers to collect and remit to the City the appropriate permit fee for each refuse container; and
WHEREAS, "waste brokers" are intermediaries between customers with waste hauling needs and vendors who undertake the physical trash removal; and
WHEREAS, although some waste brokers only offer consulting services to customers regarding reducing waste streams and saving money, other waste brokers contract directly with customers to manage the removal of waste and recyclables from the customers' premises; and
WHEREAS, these waste brokers outsource or subcontract the actual removal and disposal of waste and recyclables, and often themselves have no physical presence within the limits of cities in which they...
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