WHEREAS, Thomas P. Nelson had been a fixture of the architecture and urban planning community of Chicago; and
WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been notified of Thomas P. Nelson's unfortunate passing by the Honorable Alderman John Arena of the 45th Ward and the Honorable Margaret Laurino of the 39th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Thomas P. Nelson is an alumni of Lane Tech High School and received a B.A. in Urban Planning for Northeastern Illinois University; and
WHEREAS, Thomas P. Nelson cared deeply about the preservation of Chicago history and volunteered extensively for numerous civic organizations, including the Chicago Plan Commission, Friends of the Chicago River, the Greater Rockwell Organization and the Mayfair Association, while also serving as a docent for the Chicago Architecture Foundation and the CTA Culture Bus; and
WHEREAS, Thomas P. Nelson is survived by his loving wife, Laurie; children Elizabeth, Rebecca, Ella, Catherine, and Theresa; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, gathered this 13h day of April, 2016 AD, do hereby pause to pay tribute to the achievements of Thomas P. Nelson and mourn his loss;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to the family of Thomas P. Nelson.