WHEREAS, On the evening of October 31, 2015, Armando Perez was a customer at Agencia Mexicana, a corner currency exchange located in the Gage Park community on the Southwest Side, when a man entered the store and announced a robbery; and
WHEREAS, The would-be robber displayed what appeared to be a gun and pointed it at a female clerk who was standing behind the counter; and
WHEREAS, The offender then allegedly aimed the weapon at a second female employee and forced her to the back of the store; and
WHEREAS, The robber then directed the weapon toward a customer, Armando Perez, who has a concealed carry license and was in possession of a registered semi-automatic pistol; and
WHEREAS, In fear for his life, Armando Perez drew his weapon and opened fire at the robber, striking him multiple times; and
WHEREAS, The offender was identified as Reginald Gilder sleeve, a convicted felon, and was pronounced dead; and
WHEREAS, Authorities later determined that Reginald Gildersleeve was carrying a black-colored replica firearm or toy gun, according to police reports filed in connection with the attempted robbery; and
WHEREAS, As part of their investigation of the case, detectives examined the store's surveillance video and interviewed witnesses; and
WHEREAS, A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department later called the fatal shooting "a case of self-defense"; and
WHEREAS, After reviewing the facts surrounding the case, the Cook County State's Attorneys Office announced that prosecutors would not seek criminal charges against Armando Perez; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the Chicago City Council assembled this ninth day of December, 2015 do hereby recognize Armando Perez for his decisive actions which were intended to protect both himself and two female employees of Agencia Mexicana; and