Record #: R2015-58   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 1/21/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 1/21/2015
Title: Tribute to late John P. Sweeney
Sponsors: Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2015-58.pdf

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney has gone to his eternal reward at the age of 71; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of his passing by Alderman Edward M. Burke; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney was a prominent Chicago real estate developer and the loving husband for 43 years of Barbara; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney was the much-adored father of Margaret, James, Rose, Robert, Anne, Eleanor and Grace and the grandfather of eight to whom he imparted many of the fine and noble qualities that he possessed in abundance; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney was the dear brother of James and Michael; and

WHEREAS, A native of'Oak Lawn, John P. Sweeney graduated from Brother Rice High School and Northwestern University; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney headed JPS Interests and helped to develop more than five million square feet of office, commercial and industrial space; and

WHEREAS, In addition to a number of prominent major downtown renovation projects, John P. Sweeney was responsible for new construction, including the Northern Trust Company Canal Center operations center at 801 South Canal Street and the Southgate Market retail development at Canal and Roosevelt Road; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney specialized in complex projects and partnered with a subsidiary of Exelon to construct the first environmentally friendly chilled water plant in downtown Chicago which cools millions of square feet of office space; and

WHEREAS, John P. Sweeney's compassion for the poor prompted him to found the Mayan Health Initiative which addresses nutritional and long-term needs for Guatemalan children suffering from malnutrition and physical disabilities; and

WHEREAS, The hard work, sacrifice and dedication of John P. Sweeney serve as an example to all; and

WHEREAS, His love of life and ability to live it tp the fullest endeared John P. Sweeney to his family members, friends and all who knew him, and enabled him to enrich their lives in ways they will never forget; and


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