Record #: SO2013-8370   
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 10/9/2013 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Final action: 10/16/2013
Title: Sundry traffic regulation(s) and sign(s)
Sponsors: Sawyer, Roderick T., Balcer, James, Cardenas, George A., Solis, Daniel, Graham, Deborah L., Mitts, Emma, Cullerton, Timothy M., O'Connor, Mary, Silverstein, Debra L., Moreno, Proco Joe, Fioretti, Bob, Foulkes, Toni, Brookins, Jr., Howard, Chandler, Michael D., Tunney, Thomas, Arena, John, Quinn, Marty, Lane, Lona, O'Shea, Matthew J., Maldonado, Roberto, O'Connor, Patrick, Smith, Michele, Ervin, Jason C.
Attachments: 1. SO2013-8370.pdf
Related files: O2012-4760, O2012-5494, O2012-5498, O2012-5501, O2012-6921, O2012-7050, O2012-7411, O2012-7752, O2013-662, O2013-1426, O2013-1429, Or2013-127, O2013-1672, O2013-1742, O2013-1798, O2013-1930, O2013-3626, Or2013-401, Or2013-472, O2013-5587, O2013-6211, O2013-6239, O2013-6242, O2013-6250, O2013-6311, O2013-6375, O2013-6377, O2013-6384, O2013-6389, O2013-6392, O2013-6528, O2013-6532, O2013-6538, O2013-6602, O2013-6903
To The President and Members of the City Council:
Your Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body Do Not Pass the sundry proposed ordinances and orders submitted herewith which were referred to the committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety concerning traffic regulations and traffic signs, et cetera as follows:
V.      The following items were NOT RECOMMENDED by the city department(s) and FAILED TO PASS:
6      649 E. 90th Street, Disabled Permit 91648, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at
location [02013-6211]
11      2732 S. Bonfield Street, Disabled Permit 91009, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at
location [02013-6239]
  1. 3140 S. Emerald Avenue, Disabled Permit 91003, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at location [02013-6242]
  2. 2436 W. 45th Street, Disabled Permit 91020, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at location [02013-6250]
25      917 W. 18th Place, Disabled Permit 90291, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at
location [02013-6311]
29      1651 N. Mayfield Avenue, Disabled Permit 84372, NOT RECOMMENDED,
garage at location [02013-6375]
29      5962 W. Adams Street, Disabled Permit 84355, NOT RECOMMENDED,
garage at location [02013-6377]
29      1317 N. Waller Avenue, Disabled Permit 89890, NOT RECOMMENDED,
garage at location [02013-6384]
29      2324 N. Merrimac Avenue, Disabled Permit 83570, NOT RECOMMENDED,
garage at location [02013-6389]
29      1620 N. Melvina Avenue, Disabled Permit 84375, NOT RECOMMENDED,
garage at location [02013-6392]
37      1816 N. Lotus Avenue, Disabled Permit 81512, NOT RECOMMENDED [02013-6538]
6244 W. Grace Street, Disabled Permit 80768, **DEFERRED at 10/29/12 Committee Meeting [02012-6921]
5109 N. Oak Park Avenue, Disabled Permit 71509, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at location [02013-6602]
6425 N. Fairfield Avenue, Disabled Permit 91416, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at location [02013-6528]
6137 N. Monticello Avenue, Disabled Permit 91347, NOT RECOMMENDED, garage at location [02013-6532]
Repeal Disabled Permit 377301 located at 4945 W. Winona Street, NOT RECOMMENDED, needs correct permit number [02013-6903]
N. Ashland Avenue (west side) from a point 29 feet south of W. Fry Street to a point 55 feet south thereof, Amend No Parking Loading Zone, 11:00am to 11:00pm, Monday through Saturday by striking and inserting in lieu thereof; 30 Minute Standing Zone, use flashing lights, 8:00am to 8:00pm, Monday through Saturday. Request withdrawn by requester (12-01411208)[O2012-5498]
S. Wabash Avenue (east side) from a point 90 feet south of 21st Street to a point 100 feet south thereof; 30 Minute Loading Zone, use flashing lights, 9:00 am to 5:00 am, Monday through Sunday - insufficient data 'deferred at 12/10/12 committee meeting (12-01411666) [O2012-5501 ]
2724 S. Union Ave. (signs to be placed at 704 8. 28th St.); 15 Minute Loading Zone. Request withdrawn by Alderman (13-00801100) [02013-1672]
4654 S. Honore Street; No Parking Loading Zone. Information needed to prepare recommendation for this ordinance is not available. Alderman's office has been advised. (13-00975078) [02013-1742]
33 W. 95th Street, 15 Minute Standing Zone/Tow Zone, use flashing lights, all times, all days. Information needed to prepare recommendation for this ordinance is not available. Alderman's office has been advised. (12-02012902) [02012-7411]
3018 W. Cermak Road, 15 Minute Standing Zone/Tow Zone, distance of 20 feet. Request withdrawn by requester. (13-00703116) [02013-1426]
3020 W. Cermak Road, Amend length of Standing Zone by striking: 25 feet and inserting: 20 feet. Request withdrawn by requester. (13-00703021) [02013-1429]
251-259 W. Cermak Street, No Parking Loading Zone. Insufficient information to process ordinance request. (13-00978049) [02013-1798]
Repeal ordinance passed March 1, 2006, journal page 71724, which reads: N. Halsted Street (east side) from a point 20 feet south of W. Oakdale Avenue to a point south thereof; No Parking Loading Zone, 4:00pm to 10:00pm, Monday through Saturday and 10:00AM to 10:00PM Sunday, Tow Zone by striking the above. Request withdrawn by requester (12-01927725) [02012-4760]
6600 S. Keeler Avenue (east side) including wrap around on 6601 S. Keeler Avenue, from S. Keeler Avenue, east to the alley, Residential Permit Parking Zone, all times, all days. NOT RECOMMENDED, was only 42%, needs 85%. [Or2013-401]
7914-7956 S. Wolcott Avenue (both sides) of the street; Residential Permit Parking Zone, all times, all days. NOT RECOMMENDED, per ordinance, requires 85% occupied, was only 34% [Or2013-472]
1415-1451 W. 105th Street, Residential Permit Parking Zone, 9:00am to 10:00pm, Tuesday through Saturday. NOT RECOMMENDED, per our ordinances, need both sides of the street [02013-5587]
Amend by striking Residential Permit Parking Zone 764 located at 4011 S. Kimball Avenue. Ward Office needs to do a correction, survey done (*per dept. correct address is 4011 S. Campbell). [02012-5494]
9256 S. Lafayette Avenue; No Parking Tow Zone. Request withdrawn by requester (13-00596222) [02013-662]
1 W. Grand Ave from N. Damen Ave to N. California Ave (south side), No Parking Tow Zone, Street Cleaning, 9:00am to 3:00pm, Fourth Friday of every month April 1 to Nov. 30 and Weather Permitting, November 30 to April 1. Request withdrawn by Alderman. [02012-7752]
W. Foster from Hoyne Avenue to Damen Avenue (both sides), No Parking Tow Zone. Request withdrawn by Alderman (13-00733214) [02013-3626]
N. Wells Street (west side) from a point 90 ft. south of W. Eugenie Street (1630 N. Wells Street) to the intersection with Concord Lane, No Parking Tow Zone, all times, all days. Request withdrawn by alderman. (12-01859729) [02012-7050]
28      5100 block W. Washington Boulevard (north side) from N. LeClaire Avenue to N.
Leamington Avenue, Repeal No Parking Tow Zone. No city council action necessary to remove school parking signs. Requested signs will be removed. (13-00983667) [02013-1930]
13      5600 S. Mobile Avenue, Stop Sign, at the T of the intersection on (south east) corner.
Request withdrawn by Alderman (13-00974962) [Or2013-127]
These Do Not Pass recommendations were concurred in by all members of the Committee present, with no dissenting votes.
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Burnett, Jr. Chairman,
Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety