CHICAGO December 10, 2014 To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Finance having had under consideration
A substitute ordinance concerning the authority to amend Chapter 4-108 of the Municipal Code of Chicago regarding self-service filling stations.
Having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that your Honorable Body pass the proposed Ordinance Transmitted Herewith
This recommendation was concurred in by (a (viva voce vote
of members of the committee with|99|dissenting vote(s
Aldermen Dowell, Waguespack, Colon, Mitts and Reilly vote No
Alderman Bums abstains under provisions of Rule 14.
Respectfully submitted
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago is a home rule unit government pursuant to the 1970 Illinois Constitution, Article VII, Section 6(a); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to its home rule power, the City of Chicago may exercise any power and perform any function relating to its government and affairs including the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; and
WHEREAS, the City of Chicago is dedicated to reducing fuel costs, improving local air quality, reducing petroleum usage, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles; and
WHEREAS, El 5 is a blend of gasoline and up to 15 volume percent ethanol; and
WHEREAS, ethanol is a renewable domestic fuel that burns cleaner than gasoline; and
WHEREAS, Illinois is the third largest ethanol producing state in the nation, with 14 ethanol plants that can produce 1.5 billion gallons of ethanol per year; and
WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of El 5 in cars of the model year 2001 or later; and
WHEREAS, El5 is significantly less expensive than conventional gasoline, with expected savings between 5 and 15 cents per gallon; and
WHEREAS, according to the Argonne National Laboratory, higher ethanol blends such as El5 will...
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