Record #: R2017-883   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/11/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 10/11/2017
Title: Gratitude extended to Josephine Regnier for military service and best wishes on recovery following recent assault
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm, Burke, Edward M.
Attachments: 1. R2017-883.pdf

WHEREAS, Josephine Regnier, a 95-year-old veteran of the United States Navy who honorably served her country during World War II, led the Chicago City Council in the Pledge of Allegiance on October 11, 2017; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Regnier entered the Council Chamber through an arch of swords displayed by members of the Admiral Hyman George Rickover Naval Academy in Chicago and was greeted by the school's color guard; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Regnier was driven to City Hall in a limousine accompanied by a police escort along with her three daughters and a local business owner; and
WHEREAS, A longtime resident of the Garfield Ridge community, Josephine Regnier was brutally assaulted and robbed in the doorway of her home in December of 2016; and
WHEREAS, On December 7th, 2016, the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Mrs. Regnier was waiting to be picked up by a daughter for a dental visit when she briefly stepped back inside her house to seek warmth; and
WHEREAS, As she entered her house, a man suddenly pushed his way inside, viciously beat her and stole her purse containing $50; and
WHEREAS, Josephine Regnier was transported to Hines VA Hospital where she was diagnosed with injured ribs, a black eye and a head injury; and
WHEREAS, Upon hearing of the attack, members of her local community rushed to support Mrs. Regnier and her family; and
WHEREAS, The owners of Villa Rosa Pizza in Garfield Ridge, Jimmy and Tommy Pieprzyca, called police after their surveillance cameras captured an image of the attacker as he fled the scene; and
WHEREAS, Through the use of social media, the Pieprzyca's offered a $5,000 reward to any member of the community who could provide information on the attacker in the video; and
WHEREAS, Through the efforts of police and the community, a suspect was arrested and convicted of the crime; and

WHEREAS, The attacker was recently sentenced to 20 years in jail at a hearing attended by Mrs. Regnier and her family which was held at the Leighton ...

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