For additional information regarding the status of your claim, please contact the Committee on Finance Small Claims Division at (312) 744-8861.
Failed to Pass
Various small claims
CLAIMS - Small Claims
1. CL2018-1672.pdf
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Chicago/ 13> -1^ 30 ¦ 1% To the President and Member of the City Councfl: Your Cfomrnrqee on Finance. Small Claims Division, to which was referred on 3-r IS ' 3q( ¦4. '
(List of Denied Claimants attached to this Committee Letter)
having had the same under advisement, begs leave to report and recommend that Your Honorable* "Body pb Not Pass Said Claims for Payment!
This reconjjmcTidation was concurred in by . ^viva voce vote of the^ member of the committee (with ' dissenting vote(s)).
Respectfully submitted.
Chairman /
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