Record #: SO2019-7929   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 10/16/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Final action: 10/16/2019
Title: Tow-away zone(s) - establish and amend
Sponsors: Dowell, Pat, King, Sophia D., Burke, Edward M., Waguespack, Scott, Reilly, Brendan, Gardiner, James M. , Smith, Michele
Attachments: 1. SO2019-7929.pdf
Related files: O2019-7811, O2019-6056, O2019-4007, O2019-4243, O2019-6178, O2019-6181, O2019-340, O2019-341, O2019-2994, O2019-4137, O2019-6212, O2019-6225, O2019-6776, O2019-7862, O2019-4138, O2019-4139, O2019-4140, O2019-4144, O2019-4145, O2019-4146, O2019-6066, O2019-7175, O2019-7370, O2019-7810, O2019-7846, O2019-7916







SECTION 1.   Pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 64, of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the following locations are hereby designated as Traffic Lane - Tow Zones, between the limits and during the times specified, standing or parking of any vehjcle shall be considered a definite hazard to the normal movement of traffic:



WARD                     TOW ZONES:


3                     West Garfield Boulevard; Repeal Ordinance which reads: West Garfield Boulevard

(north side) from South Wentworth Avenue to South Prairie Avenue; No Parking Tow Zone, 7:00am to 9:00am, and 4:00pm to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday by Striking the above [02019-340] ,


3                     West Garfield Boulevard; Repeal Ordnance which reads: West Garfield Boulevard

(north side) from South Prairie Avenue to South Martin Luther King Drive; No Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days by Striking the above [02019-341]

3                     South Federal Street (east and west sides) from East 49th Street to East 51st Street;

No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [02019-4137]


3                     South State Street (east and west sides) from East / West 37th Street to East / West

38th Street; No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00pm, All Days [02019-4138]


3                     South State Street (west side) from West 40th Street to West 44th Street, No

Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [02019-4139]


3                     South State Street (east and west sides) from East / West Pershing Road to East /

West 40th Street; No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [02019-4140]

3                     South State Street (west side) from West 45th Street to West 47th Street; No Parking

Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [02019-4144]

3                     South State Street (east and west sides) from West 47th Street to West 49th Street;

No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [02019-4145]

South Federal Street (east and west sides) from East 45th Street to East 46th Street; No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days [020,19-4146]

South Vincennes Avenue (west side) from a point East Browning Avenue to a point East 37th Street; No Parking Tow Zone, 9:00pm to 6:00am, All Days

- (19-01175138) [02019-2994]



WARD                     TOW ZONES CONT'D:


14                     South Christiana Avenue (west side) from West 47th Place to West 48th Place; No

Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days - (19-01500268) [02019-6066]

14                     West 45th Street (south side) from South Kildare Avenue to South Kolin Avenue; No

Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days (Public Benefit) [02019-7810]


14                     5050 South Archer Avenue; No Parking Tow Zone, 7:00am to 9:00am Monday through

Friday (Public Benefit) [02019-7811]


32                     North Damen Avenue (east and west sides) between West Melrose Street to a point

30 feet north thereof; No Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days - (19-01627447) [02019-6056]

42                     West Erie Street (south side) from North Hudson Avenue to a point 85 feet west

thereof; No Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days - (19-01398495) [02019-4007]

42                     Repeal Ordinance Passed 10/31/15, Page 1181, which reads: North State Street

between Chicago Avenue to West Kinzie Street (west side) 7:00am to 9:00am, Monday through Friday and (east side) 4:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday, by Striking the above - (19-01488605) [02019-4243]



42                     West Illinois Street (north and south sides) from a point North Dearborn Street to a .

point North State Street; No Parking Tow Zone, 11:00pm-5:00am, All Days [02019-6178]


42                     North State Street (east and west sides) from a point east of West Hubbard Street to a

point east of West Illinois Street; No Parking, No Stopping, No Standing Tow Zone, 11:00pm-5:00am, All Days - (19-01627598) [O2019-6181]


42                     East Erie Street (north and south sides) from a point North McClurg Court to a point

North Inner Lake Shore Drive; No Parking Tow Zone, 11:00pm to 5:00am, All Days - (19-01627553) [O2019-6212]


42                     East Ontario Street (north and south sides) from a point North Inner Lake Shore Drive

to a point North McClurg Court; No Parking Tow Zone, 11:00pm to 5:00am, All Days [O2019-6225]"


42                     North McClurg Court (east side) from a point 70 feet north of East North Water Street

to the first commercial Loading Zone north thereof; No Parking Tow Zone, 12:00am to 8:00am, All Days (Public Benefit) [02019-7175]


42                     East Grand Avenue (south side) from a point 60 feet west of North Streeter Drive, until

the first taxicab stand west thereof; No Parking Tow Zone (Public Benefit) [02019-7846]



307 South Desplaines Street (west side) from a point 60 feet north of West Jackson Boulevard to a point 30 feet north thereof; No Parking Tow Zone, All Times, All Days, (Public Benefit) [02019-7862]



WARD                     TOW ZONES CONT'D:


43                     2400-2800 North Cannon Drive (east side) from a point 510 feet north of West

Fullerton Avenue to a point 210 feet south of North Lake Shore Drive West and North Cannon Drive (west side) from a point 450 feet north of West Fullerton Avenue to a point 75 feet south of North Lake Shore Drive West; No Parking Tow Zone, 11:00am to 5:00am, May 1st-November 1st, Friday to Saturday (Public Benefit) [02019-6776]

43                     1200 West Draper Street (south side) from a point 20 feet west of North Racine

Avenue to a point 580 feet west thereof; No Parking Tow Zone, 11:00am to 1:00pm, Wednesday, Public   Benefit [02019-7916]



45                     West Waveland Avenue-(south side) from North Lowell Avenue to North Tripp

Avenue; No Parking Tow Zone, 7:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday (School Days) [02019-7370]


SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force here in after its passage and publication.





To the President and Members of the City Council:



Your Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety, to which were referred proposed ordinance(s) and/or order(s) to establish and/or amend Traffic Lane - Tow Zones on portions of sundry streets, begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body DO PASS the proposed substitute ordinance(s) and/or order(s) submitted herewith.


This recommendation was concurred in by all members of the Committee present, with no dissenting votes.


Respectfully submitted,

Walter Burnett, Jr. Chairman,

Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety