SECTION 1. Chapter 7-20 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting new Section 7-20-121, as follows:
7-20-121 Senior buildings - procedure during public health emergency.
(a) For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall apply:
"Senior building" means a residential rental building that contains 24 or more dwelling units designated for tenants age 55 and older.
"Wellness checks" means contact to check on the well-being of a resident of age 55 or older by another individual, done by telephone, videoconference, or in person.
(b) If the Governor, County President, or Mayor declares that a public health emergency exists
within the City by a disaster declaration or otherwise, the owner or manager of a senior building shall
require the following throughout the duration of such public health emergency:
The owner or manager of a senior building shall:
have a plan for wellness checks that includes:
that well-being checks are conducted on all residents at regular intervals, but in no event less frequently than twice weekly;
have a plan for a follow-up home visit if a wellness check call is not answered;
allow for residents to elect to not be included in the wellness check
require building staff to assist residents with food and medication delivery within the senior building whenever necessary;
when the public health emergency is the result of a contagious, epidemic, or communicable disease,
restrict access to the building to building staff, people expressly authorized by residents to enter the building, and people who service the building or people within the building.
restrict or prohibit gatherings at the building in accordance with the public health orders or guidelines issued by a governmental body whose jurisdiction includes the senior building.
The owner or manager of a senior building shall post and distribute information
from the federal C...
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