WHEREAS, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the year 2020 ("2020 Appropriation Ordinance") ofthe City of Chicago (the "City") contains estimates of revenues receivable as grants from agencies ofthe state and federal governments and public and private agencies; and
WHEREAS, the City through its Office ofthe Mayor ("Mayor's Office") has been awarded federal grant funds in the amount of $985,000 by the United States Department of Justice (the "USDOJ Grant"), to be used its Department of Police ("CPD") and the Mayor's Office for the Improving CPD's Response to Domestic Violence, Sexual; Assault and Stalking Program, and
WHEREAS, the City through its Office of Public Safety Administration ("OPS"), CPD and its Office of Emergency Management and Communications ("OEMC") has been awarded federal grant funds by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (the "IEMA Grant") to be used for the Urban Area Security Initiative and desires to redistribute a portion of such grant funds from OPS, Police and OEMC to the Department of Assets, Information, and Services which shall be used for the Urban Area Security Initiative; and
WHEREAS, the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners (the "Board of Elections") has available funds from non-City sources ("Available Funds"), in the amount of $2,000,000, which shall be used for certain election costs (the "Election Costs") incurred by the Board of Elections in connection with the upcoming elections; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Election Code, 10 ILCS 5/1-1 et seg, the City is obligated to pay all or a portion of the Election Costs from City funds for the benefit of the Board of Elections, and the Board of Elections desires to reimburse the City for the payment by the City of the Election Costs from the Available Funds, and the City desires to accept such reimbursement; and
WHERESAS, the City through its Department of Public Health ("Health") has been awarded private grant funds in the amount of $26,000 by Ann ...
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