Committee(s) Assignment: Committee on Finance
Chicago Public Education Revitalization Ordinance
Whereas, Tax increment financing (TIF) is a tool intended by Illinois state law to encourage economic development by providing public support to encourage investment in targeted areas that meet certain conditions of blight, decay or underperformance; and
Whereas, the Chicago Public Schools administration have imposed deep and unsustainable cuts in many neighborhood elementary school and high schools in consecutive past years; and
Whereas, the City of Chicago's neighborhoods are waiting for improvements to basic infrastructure after years waiting through the economic recession; and
Whereas, in light of the current economic circumstances, a short-term infusion of funds back into the schools and neighborhoods will offset drastic cuts, helping achieve the ultimate goal of supporting strong schools and our neighborhoods; and
Whereas, Cook County Clerk David Orr has released the 2016 TIF projections which shows that Chicago will collect at least $461 million in TIF revenue for the 2016 tax year which is an increase in Chicago's 2016 TIF revenue of almost $89,000,000 over the prior year; and
Whereas, this surplus includes moneys not required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for payment and securing of the obligations and anticipated redevelopment project costs; and
(A) "Financially Distressed School District" means a public school district, which is experiencing one or more of the following:
(1) A bond rating below investment grade has been assigned
" to one of the most recent five bond issues or a credit review
by a major rating agency has indicated that a future bond issue would be rated below investment grade.
(2) Total operating expenses exceeded total operating rev
enues by 5% or more in the school district's General Operating
Fund in its most recently completed fiscal year, as reported in
the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (3) T...
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