WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome has announced her resignation effective June 30, 2017 as Deputy Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development following a highly distinguished tenure in public service; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of her retirement by Alderman Edward M. Burke and Alderman Margaret Laurino and fellow members of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome was raised in the West Humboldt Park neighborhood and settled in the Sauganash community where she resides today; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome attended Our Lady of the Angels Elementary School, St. Patrick's Academy and Southern Illinois University; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome began her career on August 2, 1982 as a Planning Assistant with the Department of Planning and Development. After years as a staff assistant, project manager, city planner and project coordinator, Mary T. Bonome was promoted to Assistant Commissioner in 2001 and as a Deputy Commissioner in 2004; and
WHEREAS, During her career, Mary T. Bonome earned a well-deserved reputation as one of Chicago's foremost experts on city planning issues and developed a vast institutional knowledge of both the department and its history; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome worked closely alongside local aldermen to establish the Pilsen Industrial Corridor TIF, as well as industrial projects including the International Produce Market, Restaurant Depot, American Linen, Testa Produce and the Halsted-Morgan Business Center; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome worked on major retail developments including Walmart stores in the Austin and Pullman communities, Whole Foods Market in Sauganash, Shop and Save on the Southwest Side, Seafood City in Mayfair, and Culvers near Midway Airport; and
WHEREAS, Mary T. Bonome was also involved in planning for residential developments such as Roosevelt Square and West End, both of which were part of the CHA transformation of the ABLA and Henry Horner Homes; and
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