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Payment of condominium refuse rebate claims
CLAIMS - Condominium Refuse Rebate
1. Or2014-274.pdf
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Chicago./McxV 2.1* Mil' To the President and Member of the City Councils Your on Finance, having had under consideration an order authorizing che payment of various Condorriinium Refuse Rebate clajlms against the City-
having had the same under advisement begs leave to report and recommend the Your Honorable Body pass the proposed order uansrnirted herewith.
This recommeiKiation was concurred in by (ay-jva voce vote of trie) member of the commrctec (with dissenting vote(s]}7 " ~~
(Signed>_ . Oiairrnan
ORDERED, That the City Comptroller is authorized and directed to pay the following named claimants, the respective amounts set opposite their names, said amount to be paid in full as follows, and charged to Account No. 100-99-4415-0939-0939. n n o o o|910|"3 D 2 M O 2 > M MHZ H H < a m s » ?d M W O O u w w » H H O OHO » H > > S H 2 M M
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