January 23, 2019 Meeting - Chicago City Council Committee on Budget & Government Operations
WHEREAS, The City of Chicago is a home rule unit of government as defined in Article VII, Section 6(a) of the Illinois Constitution; and
WHEREAS, As a home rule unit of government, the City of Chicago may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and
WHEREAS, Chicago has a Welcoming City Ordinance, which generally prohibits the City from investigating a person's immigration status, disclosing information in its possession about a person's immigration status to third parties unless required by law, prohibits threats based on a person's citizenship or immigration status, prohibits conditioning access to City benefits, services, or opportunities based on citizenship or immigration status, and clarifies that the enforcement of civil immigration law is a federal responsibility; and
WHEREAS, Chicago has embraced its values as a welcoming city, providing resources to undocumented immigrants and opposing the Trump administration's illegal and unfair policies toward undocumented immigrants in courtrooms across the nation; and
WHEREAS, Chicago is aware that the Department of Homeland Security hires contractors to provide assistance with the enforcement of civil immigration law; and
WHEREAS, Some of the same contractors who assist with the enforcement of federal civil immigration law also seek to do business or are doing business with Chicago; and
WHEREAS, Assisting with the enforcement of federal civil immigration law is contrary to Chicago's values as a welcoming city; and
WHEREAS, Chicago's authority to select contractors is a matter of local concern; and
WHEREAS, Contractors who choose to profit from the abhorrent practice of destroying lives and tearing families apart should not have the privilege of contracting with Chicago; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The...
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