Committee(s) Assignment:
Expression of opposition to decision of President Donald J. Trump to ban members of transgender community from military service
Committee on Human Relations
July 26, 2017
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I transmit herewith, together with various aldermen, a resolution regarding President Trump's proposed ban on transgender people from military service.
Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,
WHEREAS, The service and sacrifices of the members of our military guarantee the freedoms that each and every American enjoys today; and
WHEREAS, Those who answer the call to military service include persons of every race, color, religion, gender, and gender identity; and
WHEREAS, Under a decision by former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to lift a ban on transgender military service, for the past year transgender troops have been serving openly and have been widely praised for their service; and
WHEREAS, Transgender soldiers openly serve in the military forces of eighteen of our allies around the world, including Israel and Great Britain. Our allies have noted that policies allowing the transgender community to serve in the military have benefited all service members by creating a more inclusive and diverse force; and
WHEREAS, A Rand Corporation study commissioned by the Department of Defense estimated that there are fewer than 10,000 members of our armed forces who are transgender, and concluded that allowing members of the transgender community to serve would not impact unit cohesion, operational effectiveness, or readiness; and
WHEREAS, Notwithstanding the willingness of these transgender troops to voluntarily defend the freedoms we all hold dear, President Donald J. Trump decided, on the 69th anniversary of President Truman's order to integrate the military, that these soldiers can no longer serve in our armed forces; and
WHEREAS, This arbitrary decision by the President will result not only in a tragic personal blow to our transgender service members, but also a substantial professional loss to our military; and
WHEREAS, There is no evidence to suggest that the contributions of transgender service members are any less valuable to the defense of our nation than those of other members of the military; and
WHEREAS, Service by members of the transgender community has no negative impact on our military's ability to achieve decisive and overwhelming victory; and
WHEREAS, President Trump's decision to ban transgender persons from the armed forces is another anachronistic, divisive, and discriminatory policy that does nothing to enhance the safety and security of the United States; and
WHEREAS, Not only does President Trump's latest announcement continue his campaign to attack vulnerable populations and contradict his 2016 campaign promise to be a strong defender of the LGBT community, it weakens us as a nation; and
WHEREAS, Any American who seeks to selflessly serve our country in uniform should have the opportunity to answer the call to service, regardless of whether they are transgender; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council assembled this twenty-sixth day of July, 2017, condemn the arbitrary, divisive, and discriminatory decision by President Donald J. Trump to ban members of the transgender community from serving in the United States military; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be delivered to President Donald J. Trump, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, and House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry.

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WHEREAS, The service and sacrifices of the members of our military guarantee the freedoms that each and every American enjoys today; and
WHEREAS, Those who answer the call to military service include persons of every race, color, religion, gender, and gender identity; and
WHEREAS, Under a decision by former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to lift a ban on transgender military service, for the past year transgender troops have been serving openly and have been widely praised for their service; and
WHEREAS, Transgender soldiers openly serve in the military forces of eighteen of our allies around the world, including Israel and Great Britain. Our allies have noted that policies allowing the transgender community to serve in the military have benefited all service members by creating a more inclusive and diverse force; and
WHEREAS, A Rand Corporation study commissioned by the Department of Defense estimated that there are fewer than 10,000 members of our armed forces who are transgender, and concluded that allowing members of the transgender community to serve would not impact unit cohesion, operational effectiveness, or readiness; and
WHEREAS, Notwithstanding the willingness of these transgender troops to voluntarily defend the freedoms we all hold dear, President Donald J. Trump decided, on the 69th anniversary of President Truman's order to integrate the military, that these soldiers can no longer serve in our armed forces; and
WHEREAS, This arbitrary decision by the President will result not only in a tragic personal blow to our transgender service members, but also a substantial professional loss to our military; and
WHEREAS, There is no evidence to suggest that the contributions of transgender service members are any less valuable to the defense of our nation than those of other members of the military; and
WHEREAS, Service by members of the transgender community has no negative impact on our military's ability to achieve decisive and overwhelming victory; and
WHEREAS, President Trump's decision to ban transgender persons from the armed forces is another anachronistic, divisive, and discriminatory policy that does nothing to enhance the safety and security of the United States; and
WHEREAS, Not only does President Trump's latest announcement continue his campaign to attack vulnerable populations and contradict his 2016 campaign promise to be a strong defender of the LGBT community, it weakens us as a nation; and
WHEREAS, Any American who seeks to selflessly serve our country in uniform should have the opportunity to answer the call to service, regardless of whether they are transgender; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council assembled this twenty-sixth day of July, 2017, condemn the arbitrary, divisive, and discriminatory decision by President Donald J. Trump to ban members of the transgender community from serving in the United States military; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be delivered to President Donald J. Trump, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, and House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry.

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