Title: Condemnation of U.S. Representative Mary Miller's actions
at Mom's for America rally in Washington, D.C. on January 5, 2021
Committee(s) Assignment: Committee on Health and Human Relations
WHEREAS, The City ofChicago is a welcoming city and is home to immigrants ftom
around the wortd, including many Holocaust survivors and victims of genocide and religious
persecution; and ' ' ''"^
,,; , WHEREAS, Thousands of f3rrriBes and loved ones of those who perished in the
atrocities of the Holocaust era and World War II reside throughout Chicago and the entire State
of Illinois; and ¦'¦''"''''*'¦'¦¦*''""' -¦•=<'•¦¦
WHEREAS, Chicago thrives on the principles of equality and freedom and
wtoteheartedryrejects the ideate of the Nazi regime, including fasasn^ bigotry, Intolerance, and
hate; and ""' '¦
VVHEREAS, on Janua^ Mary.E;;Mater,:
Representatives, publicly rejected the values Chicago and tho State of Illinois hold dear; and
WHEREAS, during one of her very first acts in Congress, Representative Miller addressed an audience at a rally in Washington. D.C, organized by Moms for America and totd the crowd that 'Hitter was right on one thing," and attempted to invoke tho memory and advice : of ono of history's most evil dictators; and "
WHEREAS, Representative Miner's prepared remarks wore a disgrace to the memories of those kiBed in the Holocaust and the millions of victims of World War II, an instdtto the. families of those who perished, and a discredit to the office of United States Cxtngresswomah andthogreatStateofllbois; now, therefore.' " "'•
BE; IT RESOLVED, that we, the Members ofthe City Council of Ihe City of Chicago, do hereby condemn in die strongest possible terms the actions of Representative Mary Miller and ¦ afwr» speak with prejudice and hate.
Daniel La Spata Alderman Ward 1
Brian Hopkins Alderman Ward 2
Pat Dowell
Alderman Ward 3
Sophia King
Alderman Ward 4
Leslie Hairston Alderman Ward 5
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