WHEREAS, The City of Chicago holds a storied tradition of setting the standard for the humane care and treatment of animals; and
WHEREAS, The City of Chicago and the great State of Illinois is home to many public and private research facilities; and
WHEREAS, Many of these research facilities house and use dogs and cats in teaching, research, testing and experiments; and
WHEREAS, Illinois House Bill 4297 and Senate Bill 2356 create the Research Dogs and Cats Adoption Act, a mandate that Illinois laboratories develop and adopt a permanent post-research adoption program, open to the public, for healthy dogs and cats that are no longer needed for research purposes; and
WHEREAS, Private and public research facilities receiving tax dollars should be transparent and issue a report detailing the number of animals used in research, the purpose of using the animals in research, steps taken to assess alternative methods of research prior to animal use, now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled this first day of November, 2016, do hereby express our strong support for House Bill 4297 and Senate Bill 2356 and urge the Illinois General Assembly to adopt the Research Dogs and Cats Adoption Act and require research facilities to issue annual reports on animal use in research.
Michele Smith Alderman, 43rd Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be delivered to the Governor ofthe State of Illinois, the President of the Illinois Senate, the Minority Leader of the Illinois Senate, the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, and the Minority Leader of the Illinois House of Representatives.
Gregory Mitchell Alderman, 7th Ward
Matthew O'Shea' Alderman, 19th Wa>
Anthony Beale ierrnar. 9th Ward
Howard Brookins, Jr. ;rman, 21st Ward
usan Sa&lowski Garza Alderman, 10th Ward
George Cardenas terman, 12th Ward
Edward M. Burke Aldermanyl^Ward
ferrick Curtis Alderm...
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