Record #: SR2018-1151   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/31/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics
Final action: 3/13/2019
Title: Amendment of City Council Rules of Order and Procedure by modifying Rules 49 and 55 requiring committee hearings to be broadcasted or aired via Internet or any other available transmission process
Sponsors: Reilly, Brendan, Smith, Michele, Napolitano, Anthony V., Lopez, Raymond A., O'Shea, Matthew J., Moreno, Proco Joe, Laurino, Margaret, Mitts, Emma, Dowell, Pat, Taliaferro, Chris, Solis, Daniel, Cappleman, James, Moore, Joseph, Sposato, Nicholas, Villegas, Gilbert, Ervin, Jason C., Ramirez-Rosa, Carlos, Munoz, Ricardo, Hopkins, Brian , King, Sophia D., Reboyras, Ariel, Burnett, Jr., Walter, Pawar, Ameya, Osterman, Harry, Silverstein, Debra L., Quinn, Marty, Sawyer, Roderick T., Hairston, Leslie A., Burke, Edward M., Tabares, Silvana, Moore, David H., Foulkes, Toni, Tunney, Thomas, Scott, Jr. Michael, Mitchell, Gregory I., Curtis, Derrick G., Cardenas, George A., Thompson, Patrick D., Sadlowski Garza, Susan, Arena, John, Brookins, Jr., Howard, Mell, Deborah, Maldonado, Roberto, Waguespack, Scott
Topic: CITY COUNCIL - Rules of Order & Procedure
Attachments: 1. SR2018-1151.pdf, 2. R2018-1151.pdf

Type: Title:

Committee(s) Assignment:
Maldonado (26) Waguespack (32) Resolution
Amendment of Rules 49 and 55 of City Council Rules of Order and Procedure for Years 2015-2019 requiring committee hearings to be broadcasted or aired via Internet or any other available transmission process Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics

Be it Resolved by the City Council ofthe City of Chicago:

That Rules 49 and 55 of the Rules of Order and Procedure of the City Council, City of Chicago, for the Years 2015-2019 are hereby amended by adding the language underscored, as follows:

RULE 49. There shall be elected by the members ofthe Council a Sergeant-at-Arms of this Council and such assistants as the Council may direct who shall preserve order, obey the directions of the Council and of the Chair, and perform all duties usually appertaining to the office of Sergeant-at-Arms and assistants shall be removable at the will of the Council of deliberative assemblies; provided that such Sergeant-at-Arms and assistants shall be removable at the will of the Council by resolution duly adopted. The Sergeant-at-Arms and/or her designee, shall have the authority to terminate the broadcast of the proceedings of the City Council and of anv City Council Committee Hearing in the event of: (i) an emergency; (ii) an act of God; and/or (iii) any other extraordinary event which, in the judgment of Sergeant-at-Arms, would not reflect the City Council proceedings or otherwise not be appropriate for public broadcast. The Sergeant-at-Arms, and/or her designee, shall restore the broadcast of the proceedings, after the cessation of such event, in an expeditious manner.

Broadcast of City Council Proceedings and City Council Committee Hearings.

RULE 55. (11 The proceedings ofthe City Council may be broadcasted or aired via the use of or transmission by the Internet and/or by any other available transmission process, subject to the following parameters:
The broadcast of a City Council meeting shall begin immediately preceding the start or reconvening of a meeting and shall conclude immediately following the adjournment or recess of that meeting.
The subject of the broadcast shall be confined to the individual recognized by the Presiding Officer of the meeting, pursuant to Rule 7 of the Rules of Order, except in those instances in which the debate or discussion is directed towards a subject located in another area of the Council Chambers, in which case the field of view may alternate between speaker and subject. Examples


of such instances include congratulatory or memorial resolutions read pursuant to suspension of the Rules, and cabinet and commission appointments.
(II) The proceedings of a City Council Committee Hearing shall be broadcasted or aired via the use of or transmission bv the Internet and/or bv anv other available transmission process, subject to the following parameters:
The broadcast of a City Council Committee Hearing shall begin immediately preceding the start or reconvening of a meeting and shall conclude immediately following the adjournment or recess of that meeting.
The subject of the broadcast shall be confined to the individual recognized bv the Chairman of the Committee or the Presiding Officer of the meeting, pursuant to Rule 7 of the Rules of Order, except in those instances in which the debate or discussion is directed towards a subject located in another area of the Council Chambers or Room 201A in which case the field of view may alternate between speaker and subject.

Effective Date

Following due passage, this resolution shall be in full force and effect on September 30, 2019. The effectiveness of this resolution shall be contingent on the availability of funds, duly appropriated bv ordinance, sufficient for the purposes stated herein.

|1010|Michelle A. Harris Alderman, 8th Ward
Public Service Office 8359 South Cottage Avenue, Suite A Chicago, Illinois 60619 Telephone: (773) 874-3300 Fax: (773) 224-2425
Committees, Rules and Ethics (chairman)
Budget and Government Operations
License and Consumer Protection
City Hall. Room 200 121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602 Telephone: 312-744-3075
City Council Meeting March 13, 2019
To the President and Members of the City Council: Your Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics:
02018-990 Amendment of Municipal Code Section 2-32-520 concerning City's authorized investments in various industries and companies and adding new Section 2-32-521 entitled "Environmental, Social and Governance Investments." (Re-referred to Committee on Finance)
02018-9438 Amendment of Municipal Code Sections 2-156-149, 2-156-150 and 2-156-190 regarding governmental ethics scope of requirements and filing due dates.
R2018-1151 Amendment of Rules 49 and 55 of Rules of Order and Procedure for Years 2015-2019 requiring City Council Committee Hearings to be broadcasted or aired via Internet or any other available transmission process. (Amended in Committee)

begs leave to recommend that Your Honorable Body approve the re-referral and pass the ordinance and the resolution, which was amended in Committee to add an effective date of September 30, 2019 and make passage contingent on duly appropriated funding. These items are transmitted herewith.

These recommendations were concurred in by a viva voce vote of the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics.

Respectfully submitted,

Alderman Michelle A. Harris, Chairman Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics